M de C B Medical and First Aid Training Provider is now reopened for business.
If you are a company and you would like to take First Aid Training, this can be arranged. All training will be subject to the current social distancing measures. Please telephone me 07801 351978 or contact me via email at: malcolm@mdecbmedical.co.uk.
Covid 19 Restrictions will remain in place;
Only 3 persons per course, unless a very large office.
2 metre social distancing to be adhered to at all times.
Hand washing and Sanitising to be adhered to at all times.
Face masks (provided) for use when working at close proximity to others
Temporal Temperature to be taken on arrival for training
Please note: I will also will contact participant’s day prior to course commencement to ensure no Covid 19 symptoms.
Strict Infection prevention and Control measures will be adhered to.
Many thanks. Stay safe.
Malcolm Bowen.
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