Would you Know what to do if you came across a person who was Unconscious, and Not Breathing ?
Would you Recognise a potential Cardiac Arrest situation ?
Would you know where your Nearest Public Access Defibrillator was. ?
Would you know how to use it ?
If any of your answers to those questions is NO, then please contact M De C B Medical First Aid Training Provider, to get yourself on a Basic Life Support and AED Course.
In the UK fewer than 1 in 10 people survive an out of Hospital cardiac arrest compared with 7 out of 10 people in places such as Norway (Resuscitation Council 2020) We need to remedy this by all of us in the UK, having the Confidence and Competence to carry out Basic Life Support when necessary. Contact M De C B Medical. Co .UK to book onto a course. malcolm@mdecbmedical.co.uk 07801351978 www.mdecbmedical.co.uk
